Most visited pilgrims sites in the world
Pilgrimage has been a significant part of human civilization, binding cultures, religions, and races across continents. It's a spiritual voyage that millions undertake each year, seeking solace, answers, or simply an intimate encounter with their faith. What are the  pilgrimage destinations you must visit, and why are these places so revered? River Ganges Photo…
Паломницкий маршрут “Шлях Сантьяго”: поради початківцям
«Щасливий ти, здійснюючи паломництво, якщо, завершуючи дорогу, ти відкриваєш, що справжній Шлях тільки починається». Колись Шляхом Сантьяго йшли лише глибоко релігійні люди, прагнучи відвідати священне для католиків місце й отримати відпущення гріхів. Сьогодні тут можна зустріти і шукачів пригод, і тих, хто намагається знайти втрачений сенс життя, і творчих особистостей у гонитві за натхненням.…
14th Century Church Discovered under a Tennis Court in Hungary
During an archaeological excavation in  Visegrád, a fortified medieval castle on a hill overlooking the Danube in northern Hungary, the ruins of the Church of the Virgin Mary, built during the reign of King Sigismund, were found under a tennis court. Traces of a clash from hundreds of years ago were also discovered in the area surrounding the…


Historical Churches in Iran

The majority of churches in Iran that possess historical and artistic value were built around the eight century A.H. or…

6 years ago

The Spanish monk who built cathedral from scrap

As a young man, he joined a Trappist monastery but had to leave in 1961, after eight years, when he…

6 years ago

Pope Francis tells gay man: “God made you like this”

Juan Carlos Cruz said some of Chile’s bishops had sought to depict him as a pervert as they accused him…

6 years ago

Excavations start on Palestine’s oldest monastery

The Palestinian government and international organizations started a major excavation to restore St. Hilarion Monastery, locally known as Tell Umm…

6 years ago

Pope condemns in Gaza killings

Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned the killing of Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border, saying the deaths would only lead to…

6 years ago

The Great Lavra of St. Sabas. Judean Desert, Palestine

Photo: The Great Lavra of St. Sabas, known in Arabic as Mar Saba, is a Greek Orthodox monastery overlooking…

6 years ago

Family of six carried out bombings at three churches in Surabaya (Indonesia’s East Java province)

 Bombings at three churches in Surabaya, in Indonesia's East Java province, during Sunday mass on May 13 have left at…

6 years ago

Папа Франциск подав приклад …

All images via Lamborghini Папа Римский  Франциск закликав священиків відмовитися від їзди на дорогих автомобілях. На підтвердження цих слів він виставив на продаж…

6 years ago

Монастырь Cristo Orante. Аргентина

  фото Следуя  по стопам Молитва Христа и древней традиции монашества, это маленькое сообщество живет в уединении  братской жизнью, молясь…

6 years ago

Church of San Pedro in the Atacama Desert. Chile

    San Pedro de Atacama, nestled in the driest desert in the world and on the edge of the…

6 years ago