The third largest mosque in the world was inaugurated in Algeria
It’s also Africa’s largest, but critics view the mosque as a vanity project for a former president who tried to name it after himself. Al Jazeera reports. Cars drive past the Djamaa El-Djazair or the Great Mosque of Algiers [Anis Belghoul/AP Photo] Algeria has inaugurated the world’s third-largest and Africa’s largest mosque,…
Sensation!? Egypt’s Oldest Papyri Detail Great Pyramid Construction
CHRISTOPHER KLEIN Egypt’s oldest papyrus fragments, which detail the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, have gone on public display in Cairo. In 2013, a joint team of French and Egyptian archaeologists discovered a remarkable find in a cave at the ancient Red Sea port of Wadi el-Jarf—hundreds of inscribed papyrus fragments that…
Brazil: 9,000-year-old Human Skeletons and Over 100,000 Artifacts
Surveyors in Brazil were appraising a site identified for the building of a new apartment complex. However, they downed tools, and called in archaeologists when they started finding bones and shards of pottery. Now, a multi-layered archaeological site has been revealed which has yielded 43 human skeletons and in excess of 100,000 artifacts. …

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